Historical Research Methods
Issued by
Northeastern State University
This badge demonstrates that students have developed an advanced understanding of historical research methods. Students who earn this badge have been introduced to the methodology of historians the historical method, and have developed historical thinking, research, and writing skills. Students will have engaged in the historical method and completed a historical research project.
- Type Validation
- Level Advanced
- Time Months
- Cost Paid
Earning Criteria
Badge earners must have completed both courses in which these skills are taught, earning a grade of 85% or higher and completing a historical research project.
Demonstrate advanced proficiency in historical research methods.
Exhibit mastery in the application of historian methodology.
Display competence in utilizing the historical method to analyze primary sources.
Showcase refined historical thinking skills through research and writing.
Illustrate ability to apply historical research skills to analyze and interpret historical narratives.
Demonstrate capacity to evaluate historical evidence and draw well-supported conclusions critically.
Integrate multiple sources to construct a coherent historical argument.
Demonstrate historical research and writing abilities through completed projects.
Badge earner must complete: HIST 3393: Historiography and Historical Research.
Badge earner must complete: HIST 4951: Senior Seminar.