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CME Outfitters

Since 2002, CME Outfitters has delivered innovative evidence-based educational activities to thousands of clinicians each year. We develop, distribute and certify continuing education activities that focus on the integration of the interdisciplinary care team to ensure the best care of patients. CME Outfitters’ educational interventions include interactive webcasts, live symposia, medical simulations, clinical case series and other innovative formats that leverage the latest in technology to optimize the learning environment and promote clinician and patient behavior changes.
CME Outfitters

Addressing Bias and Disparities: A Call to Action for Walmart Associates and HCPs

This collection is open to Walmart Associates and Healthcare Providers only. Earners demonstrate an understanding of current data underscoring the existence of racial and ethnic disparities within various conditions, as well as how systemic racism and social determinants of health contribute to these health disparities.
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