Student Leader - Ambassador
Issued by
Badge Nation
Earners of this badge have been a student ambassador at Cardinal Newman Catholic School. They have developed and applied leadership, communication and problem solving skills in the area of equalities, anti-bullying, mental health, environment, chaplaincy or sports. They have collaborated with staff and peers to have a positive impact on the school community and have supported and celebrated the Cardinal Newman ethos of caritas.
- Type Validation
- Level Advanced
- Time Months
- Cost Free
Earning Criteria
Earner has collaborated with peers and staff to address an issue and/or work with a group within the school community: equalities, anti-bullying, mental health, environment, chaplaincy or sports. They have been an ambassador for students concerned about that issue and/or the members of that group. They have worked within extra curricular settings and developed their problem solving skills.
Earner has volunteered their time to be an ambassador, attending regular meetings and demonstrating collaborative and communication skills.
This badge is only available to Students, Members or Employees (Closed)
This badge has been mapped to the Lead Layer of the Cities of Learning Badging Standard. The Earner is able to take ownership embedding their knowledge in different contexts and using their capabilities to inspire and influence others.