Business Internship
Business Internship certification is awarded upon completion of BUSI 2313 Business Internship course. Students will apply accounting, economics, and management theory to actual businesses. A minimum of 96 hours at the internship site is required for the successful completion of the micro-¬credential program and reflects development of entry-level skills for a business industry workforce through hands-on experience.
- Type Certification
Earning Criteria
Completion of BUSI 2313 Business Internship: application of the theory and principles of business and/or economics to actual businesses or other organizations in which the student receives on-the-job experience. The intern must be directly supervised by a business professional. The internship supervisor at the work location and the internship faculty are both responsible for evaluating the internship.
Journal Report, Final Reflection Summary and Presentation, and Supervisor Evaluation; throughout internship, student will meet with internship advisor regularly to discuss progress of internship work and submit completed journal report for stated period. At the conclusion of internship, student will complete final reflection summary. The student will prepare and present an internship summary presentation. In addition, the internship supervisor will complete an evaluation survey of the intern.