- Type Validation
- Level Advanced
- Time Years
- Cost Free
Surrey County Council Apprenticeship Champion
Issued by
Badge Nation
Earners of the badge have demonstrated a high commitment to apprenticeships in their service or team. They are knowledgeable about apprenticeships and can signpost others for further advice.
- Type Validation
- Level Advanced
- Time Years
- Cost Free
Earning Criteria
Earner has supported apprentices at Surrey County Council to develop and make progress.
Earner has worked collaboratively to help apprentices to be successful at Surrey County Council.
Earner has recognised the value that apprentices bring to Surrey County Council.
Earner has attended a briefing session for Apprenticeship Champions.
Earner has supported an apprentice to develop the knowledge, skills and behaviours they need for their career and has offered constructive feedback to the apprentice.
Earner has supported their apprentice by releasing them for their development time/off the job training.
Earner has championed the use of apprenticeships within Surrey County Council within their networks, both within the Council and externally where appropriate. Earner has become a 'go to' person within the council for information and signposting around apprenticeships.
This badge is only available to Students, Members or Employees.
This badge has been mapped to the Lead Layer of the Cities of Learning Badging Standard. The Earner is able to take ownership embedding their knowledge in different contexts and using their capabilities to inspire and influence others.