ADA Innovation Hub Circular Economy Design Sprint 2023
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The holder of this badge has successfully completed a specially curated Design Sprint looking at the principles and processes that underpin the Circular Economy. Students have developed the skills to effectively work on a team to successfully solve a problem by creating innovative solutions based on Circular Economy Principles. Students are competent in creative & innovative thinking, problem solving, collaboration, communication, prototyping and pitching.
- Type Experience
- Level Foundational
- Time Days
- Cost Free
- Circular Economy
- Collaboration
- Design Thinking
- Pitching and communication an idea
- Problem Solving
- Prototyping
- Systems Thinking
Earning Criteria
Complete a two-day training and design sprint focusing on Circular Economy Principles and Systems Thinking
Acquire real-world experience exploring problem spaces within UNSW, that could benefit from knew approaches led by the Circular Economy
Pitch ideas to a panel of experts and compete for prize money in front of a live audience