- Type Experience
- Level Intermediate
- Time Hours
learning + design | STEM & Social Innovation
Issued by
Unstuck Learning Design
This credential is awarded to participants who completed the reflection on the 3 part "learning + design | STEM & Social Innovation" microcourse.
- Type Experience
- Level Intermediate
- Time Hours
Earning Criteria
Differentiate teaching to meet the specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilities; Develop teaching activities that incorporate differentiated strategies to meet the specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilities.
Select and use resources; Select and/or create and use a range of resources, including ICT, to engage students in their learning.
Assess student learning; Develop, select and use informal and formal, diagnostic, formative and summative assessment strategies to assess student learning.
Engage in professional learning and improve practice; Participate in learning to update knowledge and practice, targeted to professional needs and school and/or system priorities.
Use inquiry, collaborative problem-solving and professional learning to improve professional capability to impact on the learning and achievement of all learners.
Me whakamahi i te pakirehua, i te hīraurau hopanga ngātahi me te akoranga ngaio hei whakapakari i te āheinga ngāio e whai pānga ana ki te akoranga me te paetae o te katoa o ngā ākonga.
Design learning based on curriculum and pedagogical knowledge, assessment information and an understanding of each learner’s strengths, interests, needs, identities, languages and cultures.
Me hoahoa ngā mahi akoranga e ai ki te marautanga me te whai mōhiotanga ki ngā tikanga whakaako, ki ngā kōrero aromatawai, ā, me te mārama ki ngā pūmanawa, ki ngā hiahia, ki ngā matea, ki te tuakiri, ki te reo me te ahurea o ia ākonga.
Teach and respond to learners in a knowledgeable and adaptive way to progress their learning at an appropriate depth and pace.
Me whakaako me urupare ki ngā ākonga i runga o te matatau me te urutau kia neke whakamua ai te ako i te taumata me te kaha e tika ana mō ia ākonga.