True Colors Teaching & Learning Styles
Issued by
True Colors
Individuals who earn this badge completed all requirements to be a Certified True Colors Facilitator, completed a Teaching & Learning Styles Advanced Application, and certified to deliver a customized Teaching & Learning Styles Workshop. Earners covered topics such as increasing student performance, at-risk learner support, improving learning opportunities, enhancing communication between students, teachers, staff, and parents, and creating an effective classroom for different learning styles.
- Type Certification
- Level Intermediate
- Time Hours
- Cost Paid
- 21st Century Teaching Practices
- Collaboration
- Communication
- Conflict Navigation
- Cultural Awareness
- Diversity & Inclusion
- Empowerment
- Group Dynamics
- Leadership
- Personality Assessment
- Professional Development
- Strategy Development
- Stress Management
- Synergy
- Teaching & Learning Styles
- Team Building
- Training & Consulting
Earning Criteria
Complete a 2.5-day True Colors Personal Success Certification Training led by a True Colors Master Trainer.
Complete a Teaching & Learning Styles Advanced Certification Training in a 2-day (3hrs/day) interactive webinar format led by a True Colors Master Trainer.