Professional Certification: Level 2 - Master Certified Data Scientist
Issued by
The Open Group
Master Certified Data Scientists work with business leaders to solve problems by understanding, preparing, and analyzing data to predict emerging trends and to provide recommendations to optimize business results. They typically have academic training in a quantitative discipline such as statistics, operations research, machine learning, or econometrics, and combine use of data, analytics tools and languages with strong communication, visualization, and storytelling skills. (Open CDS L2).
Additional DetailsSkills
- Build Hypotheses
- Characterize Business Problems
- Conflict Resolution
- Construct Usable Data
- Deploy Solutions
- Formulate Research Question
- Identify And Collect Data
- Management Of Risk
- Professional Communication
- Solution Development
- Tailor Methods
- Team Leadership
- Translate Insight Into Business Value
- Understanding Of Business
- Use Analytic Techniques
- Use Data Science Collaboration Tools
- Use Data Science Platforms
- Validate Models
Earning Criteria
Master Certified Data Scientists achieve Certification by successfully completing three interviews by other Level 2 or Level 3 Certified Data Scientists, based upon a comprehensive package of information describing project and other experiences. The criteria used to decide on certification include all of the Skills mentioned above at a "deep" level, having mastered the state of the art, as well as the requirement for having solved a variety of Data Science Business Problems.
Master Certified Data Scientists must have performed in the role of a Data Scientist and must have demonstrated experience using five or more Data Science techniques during projects over a period of at least 3 years.
Master Certified Data Scientists have experience using a variety of data types (e.g., structured, unstructured) and at least two or more analytics tools (e.g., SPSS, SAS) or languages (e.g., Python, R).
Master Certified Data Scientists have experience of communicating insights and their limitations effectively to at least two stakeholder groups using appropriate visualization techniques.
Master Certified Data Scientists have demonstrated success in developing Data Science solutions that have met their acceptance criteria and were accepted or adopted by the business, and have performed as lead Data Scientist in the development of major projects or subsystems.
Master Certified Data Scientists must have completed formal training in the discipline of Data Science (such as statistics, operations research, machine learning, or econometrics) either through attendance at a taught course, or through self-study, and are required to to continue to develop their skills and to stay up-to-date with the development of their profession.
Master Certified Data Scientists are required to maintain their knowledge of the technology, trends, and techniques that are relevant to developing solutions for solving business problems and must maintain an understanding of their client’s business as it pertains to their client’s vertical industry (e.g., telecoms, financial, etc.).
Master Certified Data Scientists must have demonstrated experience of using reusable assets created by others or of providing assets for reuse. Five examples are required.
Master Certified Data Scientists must make contributions to the Data Scientist profession by mentoring and, for example, publications, teaching, research collaboration, or participation in professional organizations.
Certification is open to all applicants.