Spreadsheets: Advanced Functions and Features
Issued by
SUNY Broome Community College
This microcredential covers advanced concepts and applications of spreadsheets in business, health sciences, and service industries. Students will use Excel to explore the principles of cost-volume-profit analysis, create one and two variable data tables, create and apply scenarios with Scenario Manager, use Solver to calculation optimal solutions, work with financial functions, and analyze data with business intelligence tools.
- Type Learning
- Level Intermediate
- Time Weeks
- Cost Paid
- Business Intelligence
- Data Analysis
- Excel
- Excel Solver
- Financial Functions
- Powerpivot
- Scenario Manager
- Spreadsheets
Earning Criteria
Complete Spreadsheets: Advanced Functions and Features course as scheduled
Case Study: Data Tables and What If Analysis
Case Study: Finding Optimal Solutions with Solver
Case Study: Analyzing a Business Plan with Financial Functions
Case Study: Analyzing Data with Business Intelligence Tools
Grade of 75 or higher on a comprehensive case study on advanced spreadsheet skills