Social Media YouTube Video Creation
Issued by
SUNY Broome Community College
In this microcredential, participants will learn how to implement effective storytelling into their video content. They will create, entirely from scratch, a fully-theirs and fully internet-ready YouTube video. They will develop their personal or brand voice and aesthetic through filming techniques, color correction, voiceover recording, and basic animation. Participants will learn to use the opportune platform of YouTube to build and connect on a deeper level with an engaged audience.
- Type Learning
- Level Intermediate
- Time Weeks
- Cost Paid
- Content Creation
- long-form creation
- Social Media
- Video Editing
- YouTube
Earning Criteria
Complete Social Media YouTube Video Creation course as scheduled
Presentation and working seminar on storytelling for YouTube content with social media creator
Film, import, and colorgrade video content
Edit long-form content for YouTube including music, cuts, transitions, and voice-over
Apply finishing touches such as animation, handwriting, doodles
Completed and uploaded YouTube video