Issued by
Rutgers School of Business–Camden
Authorized by
Rutgers University
The badge recipient has demonstrated the following self-awareness traits and achieved a final course score of 86% or higher in Professional Skills Forum 1. • Identify and articulate one’s skills, strengths, knowledge, values, and experiences. • Identify areas necessary for professional growth. • Properly identify goals and create an action plan to achieve goals. • Understand how to self-advocate for opportunities. (Defined by NACE’s Career Readiness Competencies)
- Type Learning
- Level Intermediate
- Time Months
Earning Criteria
Learner has completed the Professional Skills Forum I course and achieved a grade of 86% or better.
Identify and reflect on career interests and values. - Completed the iStartStrong Inventory assessment.
Created and submitted a Personal Development Plan, including competency worksheet, appropriate goals and actions to achieve goals. This plan was discussed with a Student Experience Officer.
Create a graduation plan to achieve academic goals. Met with an Academic Advisor and submitted a Graduation Plan.
Written reflection emphasizing self-awareness accomplishments and areas to improve.