Level 2 Early Years Practitioner
Earners of this badge have demonstrated competence as an Early Years Practitioner based on the occupational standard published by IFATE. This includes applied knowledge of using play to support children’s development, and identifying potential safeguarding issues/risks to children’s welfare. Skills and behaviours demonstrated include carrying out respectful care routines, supporting children in making transitions, implementing play activities, teamworking, commitment and integrity.
- Type Validation
- Care Routines
- Communication
- Holistic Development
- Infection Prevention And Control
- Language Skills Development
- Observational Assessment
- Partnership Working
- Promoting Healthy Lifestyles
- Reflective practice
- Reporting Concerns
- Risk Assessment
- Safeguarding Of Children
- Safe Use of Equipment
- Support Transitions
- Team Working
Earning Criteria
Successfully met the requirements of the Early Years Practitioner End-point Assessment delivered by Pearson as a registered EPAO. The End-Point Assessment consists of a Knowledge Test and Professional Discussion underpinned by the Portfolio.
Completed a minimum of 12 months learning and development to meet the knowledge, skills and behaviours in the Early Years Practitioner occupational standard.
Achieved at least Level 1 English and Maths qualifications. Achieved a Level 2 Early Years Practitioner (EYP) qualification.
This occupation is found in a range of private and public settings including; full day care, children’s centres, pre-schools, reception classes, playgroups, nursery schools, home based provision, hospitals, social care settings, out of school environments and local authority provision to deliver the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) requirements.