- Type Experience
- Time Years
Experienced People Managers course Facilitator at P&G
Issued by
Earners are accomplished People Managers with more than 5 years of experience in managing others, and role model people managers for their organizations; they facilitate successfully a course designed to build leadership skills in experienced people managers at P&G – with a focus on motivation and partnering with their employees to achieve growth and results.
- Type Experience
- Time Years
- Coaching
- Facilitation
- Leadership
- Motivation
- People Management
- Presentations
- Storytelling
- Virtual Facilitation
Earning Criteria
Earner is a P&G employee
Earners have 5+ years of experience as people manager and are role model People Managers in P&G
Earner has completed the "Great Manager Empowering Leader" training for trainers curricula encompassing (a) attendance to the course and to (b) the training for trainers, (c) attendance to the High Impact Training Delivery - also Virtual edition - and (d) the facilitation of a session
Earner has experience facilitating this course and/or others, usually with different audiences and scenarios
Earner has been facilitating at least twice in the past 12 months with an excellent average score (higher than 4.4 out of 5.0 on average)