Inclusive Leadership
Issued by
Orange Grove Consulting
The ability to understand bias and manage inclusion is a competitive advantage in today's talent marketplace. Employees need the ability to interact, engage, and develop within a diverse workplace of intersecting group identities including race, gender, age, culture, class, ability, sexual orientation, and world view. This program develops these new 21st century leadership skills for all levels of employees. This multi-workshop program includes pre-, inter-, and post-workshop asynchronous work.
- Type Learning
- Level Intermediate
- Time Months
- Cost Paid
Earning Criteria
Inclusive Leaderships is a series of synchronous workshops that include guiding learners through gaining the following skills: Unconscious Bias, Managing Inclusive Teams, Inclusive Team Meeting Facilitation & Decision-Making, Allyship/Sponsorship/Mentorship
Learners practice applying their inclusive leadership skills after each workshop session, and meet with their accountability partner for peer learning and to share their experiences applying their new skills.