Ericsson Magnet for Global Innovation - Value Creation Innovation for Impact: Practitioner
Issued by
Northeastern University
Earners of the Value Creation Innovation for Impact Practitioner badge can apply the Carlson-Polizzotto Value Creation Methodology to innovative ideas. The method considers customer’s needs, approach, benefits per cost, and competition as related to business unit projects. Learners know that multiple iterations of ideas and feedback lead to improvements. They identify elements of risk reduction and create and present a business plan.
Earning Criteria
Participated in seven weekly meetings to refine, iterate and receive feedback on project ideas as the concepts of value creation were applied. Sessions involved peers, mentors and faculty.
Mentors and managers collaborated through feedback meetings to expand networking and visibility of the projects.
The weekly meetings provided an understanding of the value of iteration as well as giving and receiving feedback to hone ideas for a more solid outcome. The process can be carried into all aspects of future ideation.
A business case deliverable with executive summary is produced.
Business case culminates in a presentation to executives.