BUS5002 Entrepreneurship
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Earners of the ACAP MBA Entrepreneurship credential have a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of nature of enterprise, the process of entrepreneurship and the role of the entrepreneur. Earners can examine the risk and reward trade-off in starting a new business and investigating successful entrepreneurial characteristics.
- Type Learning
- Level Advanced
- Time Months
- Business Planning
- Entrepreneurship
- Environmental Factors
- Environmental Scanning
Earning Criteria
Earners have engaged in intensive learning sessions, participated in weekly learning activities, and engaged in robust discussions with peers and facilitators, as well as completed the following assessment tasks to demonstrate their understanding of Entrepreneurship.
Prepared a statement of intent outlining intention to apply entrepreneurial aptitude and skills either in their own venture or in an existing venture. This is supported by critical analysis of the role of an entrepreneur in setting up a new business, continuing an existing business, or playing a role in a business as an employee.
Completed a business proposition for a business in a traditional sector (established industries such as agriculture, manufacturing and services) by critically scanning and assessing micro- and macro-environmental factors influencing the chosen business specifically, and proposed solutions and strategies to deal with factors detrimental to business’ success.
Presented a group pitch both in written and oral format to potential investors in a compelling manner, comprising of industry and market analysis, financial analysis and marketing and operations plan to support why it is worth investing in the business.
AQF is the Australian Quality Framework. Level 9 refers to post graduate certificate courses of study, and students at this level are able to apply knowledge and skills to demonstrate autonomy, expert judgment, adaptability and responsibility as a practitioner or learner.