HTML5 - Javascript (v.01)
Issued by
Madison College
In an effort to continue growth of students pursuing Information Technology-related studies, provide a pathway that builds on past learning experience and eliminate duplication of instruction, YWCA Madison's YWeb Career Academy program has been articulated to Madison College's "Website Development" and "Introduction to Programming with Javascript" courses. Madison College will grant 6 college credits for these courses to individuals who have earned this badge and are enrolled at Madison College.
Additional DetailsEarning Criteria
Successfully complete YWCA Madison's YWeb Career Academy
Demonstrate the basic concepts of programming (problem-solving techniques, testing, debugging, event-driven programming techniques, program control logic, and introduction to object-oriented programming) using JavaScript language.
Apply knowledge of Javascript sequence, boolean logic, branching and control structures, IO management, data structures, data types, functions and program structure
Demonstrate the fundamentals and techniques of developing business websites (web page design, tables, image manipulation, forms, cascading style sheets, and introduction to Javascript functions) using XHTML-compliant HTML5.
Apply knowledge of HTML/CSS image processing, links, forms processing, table mangemnet, CSS selectors and inheritance, positioning and layout, color and design
Must have High School diploma GED/HSED