Student Patrol Level One (Two Semesters)
Issued by
Cowley College
This credential is designed to recognize a student that has successfully completed the first year of the student patrol program at Cowley College in good standing.
- Correctly complete Standard State of Kansas Paperwork including a Kansas Evidence Custody Receipt
- Correctly complete Standard State of Kansas Paperwork including a Kansas Standard Arrest Report
- Correctly complete Standard State of Kansas Paperwork including a Kansas Standard Offense Report
- Demonstrate and explain situational awareness
- Demonstrate safe patrol tactics
Earning Criteria
Complete CRJ 5482 Criminal Justice Topics I
Complete CRJ 5483 Criminal Justice Topics II
Complete a minimum of 75 hours of uniformed patrol work
Complete a graded scenario with a minimum score of 70% or higher
Maintained over 150 professional points in each course.
Complete Use of Force Aware Credential
Complete ASP Baton Credential
Complete First Aid/CPR credential