MIC501 Knowledge Sharing - Indigenous Creative & Cultural Practices
Issued by
Charles Darwin University
Understand Indigenous artmaking as knowledge sharing to reflect on your professional practice and engage learners in innovative ways. This course follows a learning pathway that engages participants in understanding Indigenous artmaking as knowledge sharing, informed by praxial concepts such as place, people, story, community, and diplomacy.
- Type Learning
- Level Advanced
- Cost Paid
Earning Criteria
Engagement in both supervised and unsupervised weekly learning activities, including lectures, tutorials, lecturer one-to-ones, online discussion boards, case studies and examples.
Introduction (10%). Introducing Me and My Place - an exercise in noticing, making and sharing knowledge through art (300 words or equivalent in any media).
Written Evaluation (10%). Evaluate one Indigenous artwork (from suggested list) as the key stimulus in a learning context relevant to you, reflecting on critical considerations (600 words).
Written Response to Case Studies (20%). Analyse two creative case studies to embed Indigenous perspectives in a learning context relevant to you (1000 words).
Research Exercise (25%). Find out about the place/country where you live and work. Develop a Creative Case Study or Teaching Artefact informed by Indigenous materials, stakeholders and pedagogies that will be relevant in your educational context (1200 words or equivalent in any media).
Research Project (35%). Research and design a Learning Pathway (relevant to your educational/community context) which facilitates the expression of Indigenous knowledge through creative and cultural practices (2,000 words or equivalent in any media).