Redcatch Community Garden: Group Participation in Make, Cook & Grow - Community Support Fund
Issued by
Badge Nation
Earners of this badge have successfully attended a 10-week programme of Make, Cook & Grow, participating in a range of cooking, gardening and creative activities funded by the West of England Combined Authority as part of the wider Community Support Fund. Working collaboratively, earners have found solutions to problems, taken on new knowledge and ideas and implemented these in a group setting.
- Type Experience
- Level Foundational
- Time Months
- Cost Free
Earning Criteria
Earner has taken part in a range of training and knowledge activities in horticulture, demonstrating an openness to learning new skills, engaging in physical labour, following instruction, thinking creatively, and carrying out set tasks in a working garden setting alongside volunteers and staff.
Earner has taken part in cooking activities to develop chef skills, demonstrating the willingness and ability to follow instruction from a chef to work in pairs and groups, an improved understanding of food production and preparation as well as knowledge of cooking techniques and healthy eating.
Earner has taken part in a range of creative activities, demonstrating the ability to make choices and compromises in a group setting, apply knowledge and skills in collaboration with others, share ideas and follow instruction in both set and open tasks.
Earner has shown reliability and commitment to support the work of the garden and learning new skills, in readiness for further voluntary, skills development or employment opportunities.
This badge is open to all.
This badge has been mapped to the Participation Layer of the Cities of Learning Badging Standard. The earner has met expectations, can interact with learning and is able to join in with others.