Real Ideas Professional Work Placement
Issued by
Badge Nation
The earner of this badge has succesfully completed or progressed onward from a Real Ideas professional work placement. This involved passing a competitive recruitmet process and entering a formal agreement according to a specified role profile. They will have developed a range of workplace skills, managed a workload and responded to critical feedback and support.
- Type Validation
- Level Intermediate
- Time Days
- Cost Free
Earning Criteria
Earner passed a competitive recruitment process by sending a CV, completing an application form and passing an interview.
Earner has had an orientation and induction process that has made them aware of the Real Ideas policy framework and processes required to be a good Real Ideas employee.
Earner has recieved basic training in GDPR, safguarding, divesity, equity and inclusion. These have been accessed via online IHASCO modules and in person.
Earner has been introduced to and recieved feedback on their progress against Real Ideas attributes. These are; ability to challenge and be challenged; being proactive; being flexible; being effective and efficient; being generous with time, knowledge/skills; being open to ideas and ways of working; being open to ideas and ways of working; being curious about Real Ideas, your colleagues and the world around us; working in a collaborative and inclusive way.
Earner will have worked to a role specific work package and recieved feedback on their progress.
Earner has been introduced to, and used, a variety of digital platforms including the full Office 365 suite and sharepoint, Real Ideas intranet, Real Ideas membership portal, Breathe HR system GoTo Meetings and Hubspot CRM.
This badge has been mapped to the Demonstrate Layer of the Cities of Learning Badging Standard. The earner has demonstrated they can apply knowledge with real world context and has gained experience, consistently and applied feedback they have received in order to develop.