Plymouth City Council - Flood Awareness in the Community
Issued by
Badge Nation
Earners of this badge have taken part in a flood awareness session either online or in person. The earner has gained knowledge of the causes of flooding where they live and how they can be prepared for flooding in the future. The earner has gained information about how they can support themselves, their neighbours and their communities. This badge is being delivered by the Building Resilience in Communities (BRIC) Project who are funded by the Interreg France (Channel) England Programme.
- Type Experience
- Level Foundational
- Time Hours
- Cost Free
Earning Criteria
Earner has learned about some practical measures they could take to protect their homes and communities from flooding.
Earner has learned how climate change can increase the risk of flooding.
This badge is open to all.
This badge has been mapped to the Engage Layer of the Cities of Learning Badging Standard. The earner understands what's expected of them and is able to acquire information by actively experiencing learning.