GBMET Work Experience Ready
Issued by
Badge Nation
Earners have participated in a work experience programme delivered by Greater Brighton Metropolitan College, as part of Cities of Learning. The earner deepened their knowledge of work based learning, actively explored transferable skills and met the expectation of professionalism in the workplace. Participated in both independent and group activities, in a series of college based sessions on work experience preparation, skills for life and work and prepared for a successful work experience .
- Type Learning
- Level Foundational
- Time Weeks
- Cost Free
Earning Criteria
Earner has participated fully and positively in work experience preparation sessions outlining the value, objectives and requirements of work experience. Earner has reflected on their work preparation and carried out a skills assessment to indicate areas for personal development.
Earner has participated in team building activities, building transferable skills such as team work, communication, planning and project management. Earner has developed an understanding of workplace skills, beginning to build their own and created personal targets for their placement.
This badge is available for GBMET students
This badge has been mapped to the Participation Layer of the Cities of Learning Badging Standard. The earner has met expectations, can interact with learning and is able to join in with others.