This badge was issued to Deniz Pekdas on 28 Sep 2022.
Expired on 24 Apr 2023Citrix Certified Instructor (CCI)
Issued by
The Citrix Certified Instructor (CCI) badge is awarded to individuals who have demonstrated exceptional technical knowledge and possess the skills and experience required to be a Citrix instructor in any of the following three tracks: Virtualization, Networking and Mobility. CCIs are subject matter experts who also excel at delivering technical training. The CCI badge portrays credibility and symbolizes an individual is qualified to provide the highest quality of instruction on Citrix products.
Additional DetailsSkills
Earning Criteria
Demonstrate superior technical knowledge by passing the related Citrix exams with higher than market scores
Validate superior courseware knowledge in a Citrix-provided virtual lab environment
Validate superior lab knowledge through the design and implementation in a Citrix-provided virtual lab environment
Exhibit real world experience through the submission of a resume and a referral highlighting Citrix experience from past projects or consulting engagements
Verify presentation skills by providing a reference supporting at least one year of instructional experience