This badge was issued to Enio Rubens Basso on 06 Mar 2024.
- Type Validation
- Level Intermediate
- Time Days
- Cost Free
Maximo Application Suite (MAS) Migration Practicum
Issued by
The recipient of the badge has, based on team collaboration, hands-on competence in designing, building and demonstrating a software solution for a real Customer Use Case. The implemented solution must demonstrate the value the software provides a Customer
- Type Validation
- Level Intermediate
- Time Days
- Cost Free
- Maximo
- Maximo EAM
- Maximo SaaS
Earning Criteria
Architect the software solution for the Customer Use Case - Working with teammates, design the system architecture; i.e. software and operating environment, which provides a solution to the Customer Use Case by demonstrating the value of the solution.
Follow documented architecture to implement software solution - Install and configure all the software needed to implement the architecture established during the solution design. Different team members will be responsible for different software used in the solution.
Demonstrate the software solution - Each team member will demonstrate their part of the overall software solution. This will require a presentation of how their software supports the overall solution, and a hands-on demonstration of their software as used by the Customer.
Document the solution for field use - After the previous criteria has been completed, both the as-designed and as-built documentation of the software solution are created for distribution to the field.