This badge was issued to Dan Farrall on 21 Jul 2023.
- Type Learning
- Level Foundational
- Time Hours
- Cost Free
LFC131: Green Software for Practitioners
Issued by
The Linux Foundation
Earners of the LFC131: Green Software for Practitioners badge understand the principles of green software and know how to apply green software principles to the design and development of their software applications. They have a good understanding of the shared language and standardized terms related to green software. They acknowledge the importance of measurement and are aware of the different climate commitments which constitute the mechanism of carbon reduction.
- Type Learning
- Level Foundational
- Time Hours
- Cost Free
- carbon awareness
- carbon reduction
- Energy Efficiency
- green software
- green software development
- sustainable software
Earning Criteria
Score a 90% passing grade on the final exam.
Must complete eLearning course.