This badge was issued to Jim Corder on 26 Mar 2021.
- Type Experience
Instructor Recognition - 25 Classes Delivered
Issued by
In 2024, over 10 million labs were launched by more than 1.5 million learners on Skillable’s platforms. Instructors play a pivotal role in advancing these learners in their hands-on training journey and we are glad to have your talents delivering classes through Skillable! We've partnered with Credly to issue you a badge in commemoration of 25 classes delivered. Please display it with honor and we can't wait to recognize you at the next step: 50 Classes Delivered!
- Type Experience
Earning Criteria
This badge recognizes Instructors who have delivered 25 or more classes on Skillable’s platforms. Learn more about next recognition milestone as well as find popular resources on our Instructor Recognition Program page:
Acceptance of this badge authorizes Skillable to celebrate the earner’s accomplishments on our company's social media platforms. Contact to revoke this authorization.