This badge was issued to Kareem Magdy El-Zomor on 23 Jun 2021.
- Type Validation
- Level Foundational
- Time Hours
- Cost Free
Issued by
Through self-paced learning, this badge earner has displayed an understanding of topics such as what is HTML and HTML5, how to build websites using HTML5, HTML5 elements, what is CSS, and format HTML elements using CSS3.
- Type Validation
- Level Foundational
- Time Hours
- Cost Free
Earning Criteria
Please note that this badge is only accessible to registered members of IBM Digital - Nation.
Completed Unit - Introduction to HTML: What is HTML?; What is HTML5?
Completed Unit - Getting started with HTML: HTML page layout; HTML5 page layout.
Completed Unit - HTML elements: HTML elements and tags; HTML5 new elements; HTML attributes; HTML5 attribute values.
Completed Unit - CSS: CSS; CSS format; Base styles; Applying CSS to HTML.
Completed Exercise - Creating a webpage using HTML5 and CSS3.
Successfully completed the quiz with a score of 80% or more.