This badge was issued to Cristovao Wanderley on 21 Apr 2016.
IBM Marketing Cloud - Intermediate - 2016
Issued by
This badge earner has demonstrated IBM Marketing Cloud intermediate knowledge associated with Relational Tables, Geo Targeting, using FTP, Dynamic Content, External Content, A/B Testing, and more. The badge earner understands and can articulate terminology, concepts, principles, and needs related to IBM Marketing Cloud at the fundamentals and intermediate level, and is also capable of applying this knowledge in a practical manner to support applicable client scenarios.
Additional DetailsSkills
Earning Criteria
Must be an official IBM Marketing Cloud client, IBM Business Partner employee or IBM employee.
Satisfactory completion of the assessment requirements associated with each of the following IBM Marketing Cloud course modules:
IMC056 - Data - Relational Tables
IMC057 - Data - GeoTargeting
IMC058 - Data - Using FTP
IMC102 - Email - Dynamic Content
IMC104 - Email - External Content Retrieval
IMC108 - Email - A/B Testing
IMC151 - Automation - Automated Messages
IMC202 - Reporting - Analytic Reports
IMC301 - Web - Web Forms & Preference Centers
IMC302 - Web - Social Connect